Designing your acquisition emails: a checklist to optimize your KPIs

Designing your acquisition emails: a checklist to optimize your KPIs

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While the success of an email acquisition campaign largely depends on the offer conveyed, design is also a decisive factor if you want to achieve your performance goals.

Let's face it, your restaurant may offer the best pizza in the region, but if your window display doesn't make people want to come in, unfortunately no one will try it.

It's much the same with email. First you look, then you read. The design should serve your interface and the messages you want to convey.

Specifically, no matter how interesting your message is, if your Greece Email List design is not up to par, the Internet user will move on to something else.

Email design is even more important when talking to potential customers.

A common mistake made by marketers is to think that an email sent to the CRM will be just as successful in terms of customer acquisition. However, the profile of a potential customer is very different from that of a customer who has already been won over by your brand. Communication codes must be adapted to this target.

What are the pitfalls to avoid?

Come on, we'll help you!

A quick rundown of best practices in designing acquisition emails to boost your KPIs

The Dataventure Checklist

1. Template

2. Offer

3. Visuals

4. 4. Call to action

5. Answer

1. Template

"Is there a maximum length for an email layout?

It's a question that many of our advertisers have asked themselves at some point.

The answer There is no set length for sending engagement emails. However, we have found that the longer the creative , the more the message is drowned out by too much information, which can penalize results .

Our recommendation, try short templates (1 or 2 blocks) and long templates (4 blocks) to see which one works best with your target audience.

If you opt for a long template, choose a different topic for each block . This will increase your chances of capturing their interest and encouraging them to click on it if the previous message didn't convince them.

The key point to remember : The first block of your b2c email lists creative should include your offer and the main CTA (call to action). The prospect should understand the subject of your email as soon as they see it in their inbox to encourage them to keep scrolling.

2. Offer

When it comes to sending prospecting emails, the more impactful the offer and the more clearly the message is translated , the more your KPIs and conversions will increase .

We regularly see that conditional discounts (e.g. 10% off when you buy 3 items) lead to a huge loss of leads in the conversion funnel. Tiered offers work much better in CRM when the customer is more familiar with your offer.

So prioritize discounts on all or some of your products for B2C prospecting.

As mentioned above, your offer should be visible at first glance in the first block of the creative.

But you might also consider repeating the message throughout the rest of the email, when you showcase your different product categories (e.g. Take 50% off our women's, men's, home and beauty ranges).

Keep in mind that potential customers have little or no knowledge of the breadth of your offering. Showing your "best-selling " categories will therefore multiply the chances of capturing attention and seducing your prospects .

Finally, make your offer stand out graphically . A "missing" discount advertised in a paragraph of text will not be visible to a potential customer whose reading time is about 6 seconds and whose click time is 4 seconds.

3. Visuals

This year, your brand has chosen to do a lifestyle photo shoot to illustrate your products/new collections. As trendy as this may seem to your customers, attached to your brand universe, this type of visual does not have the same impact on potential customers. On the contrary, it often slows down their clicks and conversions.

Keep in mind that this target group needs to see your products in concrete terms in order to make a potential purchase .

For example, an image of a woman skateboarding will not serve to illustrate... her collection of earrings!

Along the same lines, if you're in the fashion industry, opt for visuals that allow you to see a complete outfit . A visual that zooms in on a model's face won't help illustrate your "tops and blouses" category...

Lastly, this is obvious but often forgotten: prioritize visuals of your “best-selling” products (and don’t segment them) to increase click-through rates.

4. 4. Call to action

As we saw in the “template building” section, the main CTA (call to action) should appear in the first block of your email. It is a must if you want to quickly call prospects to action.

As for secondary CTAs, we recommend multiplying them throughout your email . This will multiply entry points and encourage clicks.

If you've chosen to highlight multiple product categories, don't forget to add a "general " CTA that redirects visitors to your entire collection/current offer.

Key point to remember: Make your CTAs stand out graphically (design, size, color ) to optimize your response rate.

5. Answer

Reminder: The width of an email is 600 pixels on desktop and 320 pixels on mobile. Therefore, you should consider a design for your template that makes it easy to read on all devices.

At a time when 8 out of 10 Internet users would be willing to delete an email that is not adapted to mobile devices, responsive design is essential for your campaigns.

There are now numerous integration techniques that offer greater freedom in building and designing your email templates (e.g. using multiple backgrounds, etc.).
Need help designing your email templates?

Our consultants will advise and help you create acquisition emails with an effective design.

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